SSPCR 2022: Call for abstract extended to 8 April

Researchers and experts and invited to submit their abstracts by the 8th of April 2022.
SSPCR 2022 warmly welcomes contributions from different research fields. Pick your preferred topic among the following thematic tracks:
- Will the climate-neutral city please stand up?
- The hidden potential: untapping the benefits of urban transformations
- Tackling what remains to be done: environmental sustainability in cities and regions
- Strengthening democracy in the energy transition
- Leave no place behind: policy making for smart and sustainable regions
- Planning for ever-changing mobility: mind the gap!
- Discover the internet of cities: from data to knowledge
Abstracts for conference presentations or posters shall be submitted using the conference official template through SSPCR submission system. Please read carefully the submission guidelines.
We do not require you to send the full paper. However, the Scientific Committee encourages presenting authors to further elaborate their research. Check this page for publishing opportunities.