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Eurac Research at BauZ! Congress 2024

Eurac Research at BauZ! Congress 2024

Eurac Research participated in this year’s BauZ! Congress in Vienna. The event, dedicated to networking and sharing innovations, as well as proven practices in the construction industry, featured the presentation of the INFINITE project, in which Eurac is a partner. The project aims to produce technologies for sustainable and smart building renovation.

The presentation of INFINITE research and results included:

  • Susanne Formanek from GRÜNSTATTGRAU, who hosted a workshop on innovative planning approaches for greening buildings.
  • Elisabeth Leitner from GRÜNSTATTGRAU, who highlighted INFINITE’s research on life cycle assessments and costs.
  • Martino Gubert from Eurac Research, who presented mock-up results focusing on green facade temperature dynamics.
  • Davide Madeddu from OneTeam, who introduced a newly developed BIM(Building Information Modelling)-Platform with associated plugins.

Read more here.

Photo by Squirrel_photos from Pixabay